"A Mother's Prayer"
Rafael Benjamin De Guzman
Bauang, La Union


This image of my mom praying was taken last October 09, 2010 inside the Convent of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Baguio Cityalso known as the Divine Peace Convent and more popularly known as the Pink Sisters Convent. When you enter the house of worship, you will instantly feel the presence of the Lord and will be filled with serenity and solemnity.

This picture depicts a testament of a mother's unconditional love for her children and unwavering faith in God. Everyday is a struggle for a mother. With all the responsibilities and family obligations she has, it is inevitable to find less time to reflect and praise our Lord. We are all blessed to have people who guide and shape us to become better individuals.

You may be a single parent wrestling with raising your children while simultaneously working full-time to sustain their basic needs but still, you find it insufficient to cover everything they require. As a result, you feel exhausted and overwhelmed with the idea that no matter what you do, it will never be enough. However, when you come to our Lord, all your worries and pain will banish and He will carry your burden as long as you trust in Him.

There was a story about this persistent mother who prayed earnestly to the Lord to grant her a son, and when her prayers were finally answered, she devoted her life in making sure her son had the best life possible. As years went by, the boy drifted away from the life she had always hoped for because he was lured by the vanity of modern world and peer pressure. She conscientiously fasted and prayed that the Lord shall lead him to the right path and He did not upset the mother. Her prayers were heeded and the son found his way back into the Lord's hands. The story reminds us that even though things do not transpire as we have planned, we should always remember that the Lord made better plans and we should trust Him.

Sometimes we worry when we don't see our children going in the direction we feel would be best for them. Yet we have the Lord’s promise that if we raise them and train them in the way they should go, when they are old they will not depart from them. Though they may stray as they try to find their own way in life, they will return to what was instilled in them.

If you are a mother raising a stubborn child, do not be dismayed. The best way to solve your problems is to seek the almighty Lord for he will wipe away your tears and show your child the correct path. Every mother should become a steadfast faithful mother. Nothing is evidently stronger than the power of A MOTHER’S PRAYER. 

A mother's faith in the midst of adversity is an inspiration to all people. It gives us an insight on how the Lord works through difficult times. Whenever we feel down and hopeless, just pray to Him and everything will turn out as you have wished.

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